Looking In, Looking Out, and Looking Around
Norman Amundson, Gray Poehnell, and Mark Pattern
This newest publication seeks to assist youth with their career making decisions. Designed to meet many of the prescribed learning outcomes for Planning 10’s Education & Career Category, the book provides a basis for the introduction and implementation of the Graduation Portfolio. Through this self-guided workbook, students are given the opportunity to explore their skills, interests, and values and see how these fit in choosing potential career opportunities.

Teachers' Guide
Ideas have begun to be collected to assist classroom teachers in the delivery of CareerScope.  A draft Teachers' guide has been started, presenting a page-by-page, day-by-day breakdown of CareerScope and its use in Planning 10 (British Columbia).  Have any suggestions or extension activity ideas to share?  Email: info@ergon-communications.com -- thanks!
BC Curriculum Connections
A chart is presented that identifies how CareerScope meets curriculum expectations in Planning 10 and the Graduation Portfolio.
CareerScope Feedback
Reflections/tips from delivery of this material with at-risk youth at a career centre.
Career Education Society
The BC CES is hosting an online forum for general career development and
portfolio resources.  Another great way to share ideas, lesson plans, models and strategies to help each other with the implementation and delivery of the Graduation Portfolio requirement.  The authors of CareerScope will be presenting at the CES fall conference in November, 2005.
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